This is a nice use of `mapMulti` to create a stream whose contents are dynamically generated.  It is one step short of generators (which we hope Loom will eventually give us), in that it is restricted to a generator method that generates all of the elements in one invocation.  This is still quite expressive.  (In hindsight, the name `generate` was wasted on the current `Stream::generate`, which is not all that useful and taking up a good name.)

I agree that the naming needs work, and people may well need help navigating the type `Consumer<Consumer<T>>`. Push is evocative, but there's more than just push; it's more like you have to kick something into pushing.  (Perhaps it is like the mythical Pushmi-Pullyu beast.)

Ideally, what is captured in the naming is that the outer `consumer` method is called exactly once, and that it should call the inner consumer to push elements.  (Of course that's a lot to capture.)  Something that evokes "build by push", perhaps.  Stream::fromPush is about the best I've got right now.

Are there any useful Consumer<Consumer<T>> in the wild, that are actually typed like that?  I doubt it (there are many things convertible to it, though.)  Which suggests it might be fruitful to define a FI:

    interface PushSource<T> {
        void accept(Consumer<? extends Consumer<T>> pusher);

    static<T> Stream<T> fromPush(PushSource<T> source) { ... }

and Iterable::forEachRemaining and Optional::ifPresent will convert to it.

On 5/21/2022 6:54 PM, Remi Forax wrote:
Hi all,
a stream is kind of push iterator so it can be created from any object that has 
a method like forEach(Consumer),
but sadly there is no static method to create a Stream from a Consumer of 
Consumer so people usually miss that creating a Stream from events pushed to a 
consumer is easy.

By example, let say i've a very simple parser like this, it calls the 
listener/callback for each tokens

   record Parser(String text) {
     void parse(Consumer<? super String> listener) {
       for(var token: text.split(" ")) {

Using the method Stream.fromForEach, we can create a Stream from the sequence 
of tokens that are pushed through the listener
   var parser = new Parser("1 2");
   var stream = Stream.fromForEach(parser::parse);

It can also works with an iterable, an optional or even a collection
   Iterable<String> iterable = ...
   var stream = Stream.fromForEach(iterable::forEachRemaning);

   Optional<String> optional = ...
   var stream = Stream.fromForEach(optional::ifPresent);

   List<String> list = ...
   var stream = Stream.fromForEach(list::forEach);

I known the last two examples already have their own method stream(), it's just 
to explain how Stream.fromForEach is supposed to work.

In term of implementation, Stream.fromForEach() is equivalent to creating a 
stream using a mapMulti(), so it can be implemented like this

   static <T> Stream<T> fromForEach(Consumer<? super Consumer<T>> forEach) {
     return Stream.of((T) null).mapMulti((__, consumer) -> 

but i think that Stream.fromForEach(iterable::forEachRemaning) is more readable 
than Stream.of(iterable).mapMult(Iterable::forEachRemaining).

The name fromForEach is not great and i'm sure someone will come with a better 


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