On Thu, 26 May 2022 06:28:22 GMT, Peter Levart <plev...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> @plevart Are you asking about the reason for the crash or about the changes?
>> If it's the former, then I believe that the crash comes not from 
>> `getInstance()` returning `null`, but from further down the stack because 
>> `null` is being passed to `getInstance()`. I could be wrong in interpreting 
>> the report, though.
>> If the question's about the changes, then those are restricted to CgroupV2, 
>> so I'm not sure how `CgroupV1Subsystem.getInstance(...)` returning null is 
>> related. FWIW, I also don't think we are going to get here if there are no 
>> active controllers. There's this code a few lines above:
>> if (!result.isAnyControllersEnabled()) {
>>             return null;
>> }
> I was just contemplating the code around the change as it appears to have 
> unnecessary checks which result in dead code. From the point of fixing just 
> this concrete NPE, they are irrelevant. So while this code might benefit from 
> cleanup, perhaps this PR is not the place to do it. Perhaps it is a matter of 
> another issue and PR.

@plevart I think I now understand what you meant and removed the unnecessary 
checks. Please, have a look.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/8803

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