I'd like to point out that rodde has also asked this project to be included in Apache Commons Collections: https://lists.apache.org/thread/klwtkbz96rp9zfr1077sc9r8tjtthfl4

On 11/06/2022 15:53, - wrote:

What do you think?

First, for your benchmarks, I recommend you write them with
https://github.com/openjdk/jmh, a library that allows configuration of
warmup time, number of trials, and has utilities that avoid jvm
optimization's impact on your benchmarks.

A few cents: I recall seeing a similar proposal before. This
implementation is definitely superior to the Linked List as an
implementation of both deque and list at the cost of an extra finger
array allocation, but it probably won't excel compared to dedicated
Deque or List implementations in terms of performance and memory

Modern JDK List/Deque users usually use the array-focused
implementations like ArrayDeque and ArrayList; even though ArrayList
is slow at adding or removing at non-tail, most usages of ArrayList is
iterating and sometimes adding (predominantly at tail). Array
iteration is better optimized by hardware due to arrays. Thus,
LinkedList is already out-of-favor like Vector, and there are relevant
discussions in https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/2744. The
doubly-linked structure of the finger list is at a natural
disadvantage (for iteration) here.

Even though this finger list won't be a replacement for ArrayList or
ArrayDeque, I wonder if it can be modified to become a concurrent
collection, so that modifications to the list can be synchronized by
the intervals between fingers. If it can, it would probably provide an
efficient concurrent list implementation compared to the current
CopyOnWriteArrayList, even though your current implementation seems
not to support concurrency.

Does it deserve to be included in JDK?

Let's revisit your proposal again: if it's in the JDK, where will it
be used? After all, JDK is a library that is used by millions or
billions of programs. Feel free to come up with a few use cases and we
will see if this finger list is the best for those cases.

On Sat, Jun 11, 2022 at 2:39 AM Rodion Efremov <codero...@gmail.com> wrote:


I have this List/Deque implementation that runs (in a rather versatile
benchmark) much faster than ArrayList and LinkedList:


What do you think? Does it deserve to be included in JDK?

Best regards,

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