I have a Hadoop running on a master node fs.default.name
is and mapred.job.tracker is

I am accessing it's web pages on port 50030 from another machine. I
visited It showed:-

Name    Host    # running tasks Failures        Seconds since heartbeat
hadoop.domain.example.com       0       0       9

Now, when I click on
tracker_hadoop..domain.example.com:/ link it takes me to
http://hadoop.domain.example.com:50060/. But there is no DNS entry for
hadoop in our DNS server. So, I get error in browser. "hadoop" is just
the locally set name in the master node. From my machine I can't
access the master node as "hadoop". I have to access it as IP address So, this link fails. Is there a way I can set it so
that, it doesn't use names but only IP address in forming this link?

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