JobConf gets passed to a mapper in Mapper.configure(JobConf job). Check


On 4/13/08 11:44 PM, "Steve Han" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am reading Map/Reduce tutorial in official site of hadoop core.It said
> that "Overall, Mapper implementations are passed the JobConf for the job via
> the 
> JobConfigurable.configure(JobConf)<
> api/org/apache/hadoop/mapred/JobConfigurable.html#configure%28org.apache.hadoo
> p.mapred.JobConf%29>method
> and override it to initialize themselves".Where  is  the  place  in
> the  code  JobConf  is  passed to  Mapper implementation(in WordCount. v1.0
> or v2.0)?Any idea?Thanks  a  lot.

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