My quick impression is that this is a very slow network connection and not
much memory.

On 4/20/08 8:42 PM, "Yingyuan Cheng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To be complete, I ran WordCount task implemented with JNI. The result is
> acceptable, though slower than pure java. It finished in 32mins, 30sec,
> --
> Yingyuan
> Yingyuan Cheng 写道:
>> Does anyone run Hadoop in PC cluster?
>> I just tested WordCount in PC cluster, and my first impression as following:
>> *****************************************************************************
>> **********
>> Number of PCs: 7(512M RAM, 2.8G CPU, 100M NIC, CentOS 5.0, Handoop
>> 0.16.1, Sun jre 1.6)
>> Master(Namenode): 1
>> Master(Jobtracker): 1
>> Slaves(Datanode & Tasktracker): 5
>> ...
>> 2. Map/Reduce with Java
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> Time elapsed: 19mins, 56sec
>> Bytes/time rate: 3,591,422 bytes/sec

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