
On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 9:14 PM, Owen O'Malley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Apr 17, 2008, at 11:20 PM, Sridhar Raman wrote:
>  I am new to MapReduce and Hadoop, and I have managed to find my way
> > through
> > with a few programs.  But I still have some doubts that are constantly
> > clinging onto me.  I am not too sure whether these are basic doubts, or
> > just
> > some documentation that I missed somewhere.
> >
> Take a look at under InputFormats.
>  1)  Should my input _always_ be text files?  What if my input is in the
> > form
> > of Java objects?  Where do I handle this conversion?
> >
> You can define your own InputFormat that reads an arbitrary format, or use
> SequenceFileInputFormat that reads SequenceFiles. SequenceFiles are a file
> format defined by Hadoop to hold binary data consisting of Writable keys and
> values.
>  2)  How do I control how the output is written?  For example, if I want
> > to
> > output in a format that is my own, how do I do it?
> >
> That is controlled by the OutputFormat. It defaults to TextOutputFormat,
> but you can either use SequenceFileOutputFormat or make your own.
> -- Owen

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