What is it that makes you not think JSON has to be inefficient?

? Repeated value parsing ?

? Redundant redundant data labels ?

? Generic "parsing must be slow" prejudice ?

On 5/22/08 1:54 PM, "Stuart Sierra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, I'm still getting my head around how Hadoop works.  A survey
> question: what kind of serialization do you use to output structured
> data from your map/reduce jobs?
> When both key and value are primitive types, either TextOutputFormat
> or SequenceFileOutputFormat is easy.  But what if you want to store a
> more complex data structure as the value?
> By "complex data structure," I mean some combination of lists/arrays,
> dictionaries/hashes, and primitives (int, float, string, boolean,
> null).
> I've tried using JSON to store structured data in TextOutputFormat,
> which works but is not very efficient.  Any better suggestions?
> Thanks, all,
> -Stuart

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