First of all, thanks to whoever maintains the hadoop-ec2 scripts.
They've saved us untold time and frustration getting started with a
small testing cluster (5 instances).

A question: when we log into the newly created cluster, and run jobs
from the example jar (pi, etc) everything works great. We expect our
custom jobs will run just as smoothly.

However, when we restart the namenodes and tasktrackers by running
bin/ on the master, it tries to stop only activity on
localhost. Running then boots up a localhost-only cluster
(on which jobs run just fine).

The only way we've been able to recover from this situation is to use
bin/terminate-hadoop-cluster and bin/destroy-hadoop-cluster and then
start again from scratch with a new cluster.

There must be a simple way to restart the namenodes and jobtrackers
across all machines from the master. Also, I think understanding the
answer to this question might put a lot more into perspective for me,
so I can go on to do more advanced things on my own.

Thanks for any assistance / insight!


output from

stopping jobtracker
localhost: Warning: Permanently added 'localhost' (RSA) to the list of
known hosts.
localhost: no tasktracker to stop
stopping namenode
localhost: no datanode to stop
localhost: no secondarynamenode to stop

conf files in /usr/local/hadoop-0.17.0

# cat conf/slaves
# cat conf/masters

Chris Anderson

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