On 6/21/08 1:53 AM, "Sayali Kulkarni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One question still,
> I currently have just 5-6 nodes. But when Hadoop is deployed on a larger
> cluster, say of 1000+ nodes, is it expected that every time a new machine is
> added to the cluster, you add an entry in the /etc/hosts of all the (1000+)
> machines in the cluster?


    Any competent system administrator will say that the installation should
be using DNS or perhaps some other distributed naming service by then.

    Heck, even at five nodes I would have deployed DNS. :)

    To get an idea of how Yahoo! runs its large installations, take a look
at my presentation on the Hadoop wiki (
http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/HadoopPresentations ).

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