You need to delete hadoop-root directory which has been created through DFS.
Usually hadoop creates this directory in /tmp/.
after deletion of the directory, just follow the instruction once again. It
will work.

2008/7/9 Arun C Murthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> # bin/hadoop dfs -put conf input
>> 08/06/29 09:38:42 INFO dfs.DFSClient:
>> org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException: File
>> /user/root/input/ could only be replicated to 0 nodes, instead
>> of 1
> Looks like your datanode didn't come up, anything in the logs?
> Arun

- Deepak Diwakar,
Associate Software Eng.,
Pubmatic, pune
Contact: +919960930405

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