On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 4:53 PM, Adam SI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Will  coding computational intensive algorithms using c/c++ and using them
> with streaming mode improve the performance ? Just curiosity.

That all depends on the efficiency of your c/c++ code. But given that your
c/c++ code is somewhat more efficient, it speaks for itself that there will
be a point that it will improve performance, as soon as the computation
becomes really intensive.

For our project, everything was written in C++ already, so it made sense to
write the map/reduce applications in C++ too so they can use the same common
library -- I personally would be very reluctant to introduce a new
programming language into my codebase for the sake of a small performance
gain alone, though. But that's a matter of opinion.


Leon Mergen

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