Hi guys,

I am using Hadoop on a EC2 cluster and am trying to send files onto the HDFS
from an external machine. It works up to the point where I get this error
message :
*Waiting to find target node:*

I've seen a discussion about a similar issue on *
* but there are no details on how to fix the problem.

Any idea about how I can set up my EC2 instances so that they return their
public IPs and not the internal Amazon ones? Anything I can specify for the
parameters *dfs.datanode.dns.interface* and *dfs.datanode.dns.nameserver*?

What I am trying to do is to put my input to be processed onto the HDFS and
retrieve the output from there. What I am not entirely sure of is whether I
can launch my job from the external machine. Most people seem to SSH to the
master to do that.


DigitalPebble Ltd

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