Hello, I got a problem when I compiled hadoop's pipes' example(under cygwin). and I searched a lot, and find nobody have met the same problem. could you please give me some suggestions, thanks very much.
when I run $ ant $ ant examples both BUILD SUCCESSFUL but when I run $ ant -Dcompile.c++=yes examples the error info list below: Buildfile: build.xml clover.setup: clover.info: [echo] [echo] Clover not found. Code coverage reports disabled. [echo] clover: init: [touch] Creating c:\DOCUME~1\GODBLE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\null1553129825 [delete] Deleting: c:\DOCUME~1\GODBLE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\null1553129825 [exec] src/saveVersion.sh: line 22: svn: command not found [exec] src/saveVersion.sh: line 23: svn: command not found record-parser: compile-rcc-compiler: compile-core-classes: [javac] Compiling 1 source file to E:\cygwin\home\godblesswho\hadoopinstall\ hadoop-0.18.0\build\classes compile-core-native: check-c++-makefiles: create-c++-pipes-makefile: BUILD FAILED E:\cygwin\home\godblesswho\hadoopinstall\hadoop-0.18.0\build.xml:1115: Execute f ailed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "E:\cygwin\home\godblesswho\hadoo pinstall\hadoop-0.18.0\src\c++\pipes\configure" (in directory "E:\cygwin\home\go dblesswho\hadoopinstall\hadoop-0.18.0\build\c++-build\Windows_XP-x86-32\pipes"): CreateProcess error=193, %1 ????????????Ч???? Win32 ????ó