Thanks for your work!!

2008/9/18 Stefan Groschupf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> After 5 month work we are happy to announce the first developer preview
> release of katta.
> This release contains all functionality to serve a large, sharded lucene
> index on many servers.
> Katta is standing on the shoulders of the giants lucene, hadoop and
> zookeeper.
> Main features:
> + Plays well with Hadoop
> + Apache Version 2 License.
> + Node failure tolerance
> + Master failover
> + Shard replication
> + Plug-able network topologies (Shard - Distribution and Selection Polices)
> + Node load balancing at client
> Please give katta a test drive and give us some feedback!
> Download:
> website:
> Getting started in less than 3 min:
> Installation on a grid:
> Katta presentation today (09/17/08) at hadoop user, yahoo mission college:
> * slides will be available online later
> Many thanks for the hard work:
> Johannes Zillmann, Marko Bauhardt, Martin Schaaf (101tec)
> I apologize the cross posting.
> Yours, the Katta Team.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 101tec Inc., Menlo Park, California

Sorry for my english!! 明
Please help me to correct my english expression and error in syntax

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