On 26-Sep-08, at 3:09 PM, Eric Zhang wrote:

I encountered following FileNotFoundException resulting from "too many open files" error when i tried to run a job. The job had been run for several times before without problem. I am confused by the exception because my code closes all the files and even it doesn't, the job only have only 10-20 small input/output files. The limit on the open file on my box is 1024. Besides, the error seemed to happen even before the task was executed, I am using 0.17 version. I'd appreciate if somebody can shed some light on this issue. BTW, the job ran ok after i restarted hadoop. Yes, the hadoop-site.xml did exist in that directory.

I had the same errors, including the bash one. Running one particular job would cause all subsequent jobs of any kind to fail, even after all running jobs had completed or failed out. This was confusing because the failing jobs themselves often had no relationship to the cause, they were just in a bad environment.

If you can't successfully run a dummy job (with the identity mapper and reducer, or a streaming job with cat) once you start getting failures, then you are probably in the same situation.

I believe that the problem was caused by increasing the timeout, but I never pinned it down enough to submit a Jira issue. It might have been the XML reader or something else. I was using streaming, hadoop- ec2, and either 0.17.0 or 0.18.0. It would happen just as rapidly after I made an ec2 image with a higher open file limit.

Eventually I figured it out by running each job in my pipeline 5 or so times before trying the next one, which let me see which job was causing the problem (because it would eventually fail itself, rather than hosing a later job).

Karl Anderson

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