Mapper's Number depends on your inputformat.
Default Inputformat try to treat every file block of a file as a InputSplit.
And you will get the same number of mappers as the number of your
try to configure "mapred.min.split.size" to reduce the number of your mapper
if you want to.

And I don't know why your reducer is just one. Anyone knows?

On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 9:06 AM, Andy Li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dears,
> Sorry, I did not mean to cross post.  But the previous article was
> accidentally posted to the HBase user list.  I would like to bring it back
> to the Hadoop user since it is confusing me a lot and it is mainly
> MapReduce
> related.
> Currently running version hadoop-0.18.1 on 25 nodes.  Map and Reduce Task
> Capacity is 92.  When I do this in my MapReduce program:
> ============= SAMPLE CODE =============
>        JobConf jconf = new JobConf(conf, TestTask.class);
>        jconf.setJobName("my.test.TestTask");
>        jconf.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class);
>        jconf.setOutputValueClass(Text.class);
>        jconf.setOutputFormat(TextOutputFormat.class);
>        jconf.setMapperClass(MyMapper.class);
>        jconf.setCombinerClass(MyReducer.class);
>        jconf.setReducerClass(MyReducer.class);
>        jconf.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class);
>        try {
>            jconf.setNumMapTasks(5);
>            jconf.setNumReduceTasks(3);
>            JobClient.runJob(jconf);
>        } catch (Exception e) {
>            e.printStackTrace();
>        }
> ============= ============= =============
> When I run the job, I'm always getting 300 mappers and 1 reducers from the
> JobTracker webpage running on the default port 50030.
> No matter how I configure the numbers in methods "setNumMapTasks" and
> "setNumReduceTasks", I get the same result.
> Does anyone know why this is happening?
> Am I missing something or misunderstand something in the picture?  =(
> Here's a reference to the parameters we have override in "hadoop-site.xml".
> ===============
> <property>
>  <name></name>
>  <value>4</value>
> </property>
> <property>
>  <name>mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum</name>
>  <value>4</value>
> </property>
> ================
> other parameters are default from hadoop-default.xml.
> Any idea how this is happening?
> Any inputs are appreciated.
> Thanks,
> -Andy

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