Hadoop already integrated jmx inside, you can extend them to implement what you want to monitor, it need to modify some code to add some counters or something like that. One thing you may need to be care is hadoop does not include any JMXConnectorServer inside, you need to start one JMXConnectorServer for every hadoop process you want to monitor. This is what we have done on hadoop to monitor it. We have not check out Nagios for hadoop,so no word on Nagios.
hope it help.
在 2008-10-8,上午8:34,Brian Bockelman 写道:

Hey Stefan,

Is there any documentation for making JMX working in Hadoop?


On Oct 7, 2008, at 7:03 PM, Stefan Groschupf wrote:

try jmx. There should be also jmx to snmp available somewhere.

101tec Inc., Menlo Park, California
web:  http://www.101tec.com
blog: http://www.find23.net

On Oct 6, 2008, at 10:05 AM, Gerardo Velez wrote:

Hi Everyone!

I would like to implement Nagios health monitoring of a Hadoop grid.

Some of you have some experience here, do you hace any approach or advice I
could use.

At this time I've been only playing with jsp's files that hadoop has
integrated into it. so I;m not sure if it could be a good idea that
nagios monitor request info to these jsp?

Thanks in advance!

-- Gerardo

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