
CloudBase is a data warehouse system built on top of Hadoop. It is
developed by Business.com (www.business.com) and is released to
open source community under GNU General Public License 2.0

CloudBase provides a database abstraction layer on top of flat log files
and allows one to query the log files using ANSI SQL. Some of the
salient features of CloudBase are –

1) Supports ANSI SQL as its query language

2) Provides JDBC driver, so you can use any JDBC database manager
    application (e.g Squirrel) to connect to CloudBase.

3) Allows you to push results of queries into RDBMS using RDBMS JDBC driver

4) Supports String and Date time functions as mentioned in JDBC

5) Supports regular expressions in LIKE clause

6) Supports sub-queries, VIEWS

7) Supports Order by, Group By, Having clauses

CloudBase site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cloudbase/
CloudBase discussion group: http://groups.google.com/group/cloudbase-users

Read more about CloudBase here-


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