Hi Steve!
I you can pass -jobconf mapred.map.tasks=$MAPPERS  -jobconf
to the streaming job to set the number of reducers and mappers.

Regards Erik

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 4:25 PM, Steve Gao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there a way to change number of mappers in Hadoop streaming command
> line?
> I know I can change hadoop-default.xml:
> <property>
>   <name>mapred.map.tasks</name>
>   <value>10</value>
>   <description>The default number of map tasks per job.  Typically set
>   to a prime several times greater than number of available hosts.
>   Ignored when mapred.job.tracker is "local".
>   </description>
> </property>
> But that's for all jobs. What if I just want each job has different
> NUM_OF_Mappers themselves? Thanks

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