We're trying to get all the patches available for end of next week.

On 10/17/08 1:24 AM, "Alex Loddengaard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks, Jerome.  Any ETA on these patches and twiki updates?
> I'm mostly interested in using Chukwa for log analysis.  That is, I want to
> get a better idea of how Hadoop works, and to familiarize myself with Hadoop
> logs.
> Alex
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 3:12 PM, Jerome Boulon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> Chukwa has recently been deployed at Yahoo and now we are in the process of
>> building a new series of patches to update the hadoop repository.
>> Along with those patches, we're going to update the twiki and the
>> deployment
>> procedure.
>> For the licensing issue (HICC), we're also working on it but it will take
>> more time since we have to change the library that we are using.
>> Could you give us more information on you're planning to use chukwa?
>> Regards,
>>   Jerome B.
>> On 10/16/08 12:16 PM, "Ariel Rabkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hey, glad to see that Chukwa is getting some attention and interest.
>>> An adaptor is a Java class that implements
>>> org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.datacollection.adaptor.Adaptor.  The Adaptor
>>> javadoc should tell you what the methods need to do.
>>> You start an adaptor by sending a command of the form "add [classname]
>>> [parameters] 0" to the Chukwa agent over TCP.  By default, Chukwa
>>> listens on port 9093.
>>> I don't believe HICC has been publicly released yet, due to annoying
>>> GPL/Apache license incompatibilities.
>>> On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 3:27 PM, Alex Loddengaard
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> I'm trying to play with Chukwa, but I'm struggling to get anything
>> going.
>>>> I've been operating off of the wiki entry (<
>>>> http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/Chukwa_Quick_Start>), making revisions as
>> I go
>>>> along.  It's  unclear to me how to 1) create an adapter and 2) start
>>>> (see the wiki for more information).
>>>> I've gone through the wiki and created 'Document TODO:' items for each
>> issue
>>>> that I've run in to.  Could someone familiar with Chukwa either comment
>> on
>>>> this issues on the mailing list or update the wiki?
>>>> Chukwa seems like a great tool, but it's unclear exactly how to get it
>> up
>>>> and running.

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