
I'm interested in graph algorithms. In single machine, as far as we
know graph can be stored to linked list or matrix. Do you know about
difference benefit between linked list and matrix? So, I guess
google's web graph will be stored as a matrix in a bigTable.

Have you seen my 2D block algorithm post?? --

Moreover, I believe there is a more efficient and less time-intensive
way even if we use a map/reduce.

FYI, Hama (http://incubator.apache.org/hama/) will be handled graph
algorithms since it is a related with adjacency matrix and topological
algebra. And I think 2000 node hadoop/hbase cluster is big enough if a
sequential/random read/write speed will be improved 800%. :-)


On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 6:10 AM, Lukas Vlcek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a couple of *basic* questions about Hadoop internals.
> 1) If I understood correctly the ideal number of Reducers is equal to number
> of distinct keys (or custom Partitioners) emitted from from all Mappers at
> given Map-Reduce iteration. Is that correct?
> 2) In configuration there can be set maximum number of Reducers. How does
> Hadoop handle the situation when there are more intermediate keys emitted
> from Mappers then this number? AFAIK the intermediate results are stored in
> SequenceFiles. Does it mean that this intermetidate persistent storeage is
> somehow scanned to all records of the same key (or custom Partinioner value)
> and such chunk of data is send to one Reduced and if no Reducer is left them
> the process waits unitl some of them is done and can be assigned a new chunk
> of data?
> 3) Is there any recommendation about how to set up a job if number of
> intermediate keys is not know beforehand?
> 4) Is there any physical limit of number of Reducers given by internal
> Hadoop architecture?
> ... and finally ...
> 5) Does anybody know how and what exactly do folks in Yahoo! use Hadoop for?
> If the biggest reported Hadoop cluster has something like 2000 machines then
> the total number of Mappers/Reducers can be like 2000*200 (assuming there
> are for example 200 Reducers running on each machine), which is a big number
> but still probably not big enough to handle processing of really large
> graphs data structures IMHO. As far as I understood Google is not directly
> using Map-Reduce form of PageRank calculation for whole internet graph
> processing (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT-piFBP4fE). So, if Yahoo!
> needs scaling algorithm for really large tasks, what do they use if not
> Hadoop?
> Regards,
> Lukas
> --
> http://blog.lukas-vlcek.com/

Best regards, Edward J. Yoon

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