can you, please, explain the difference between fs.default.name and
dfs.http.address (like how and when is SecondaryNameNode using
fs.default.name and how/when dfs.http.address). I have set them both to
same (namenode's) hostname:port. Is this correct (or dfs.http.address
needs some other port)? 


On Wed, 2008-10-29 at 16:10 -0700, Konstantin Shvachko wrote:
> SecondaryNameNode uses http protocol to transfer the image and the edits
> from the primary name-node and vise versa.
> So the secondary does not access local files on the primary directly.
> The primary NN should know the secondary's http address.
> And the secondary NN need to know both fs.default.name and dfs.http.address 
> of the primary.
> In general we usually create one configuration file hadoop-site.xml
> and copy it to all other machines. So you don't need to set up different
> values for all servers.
> Regards,
> --Konstantin
> Tomislav Poljak wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm not clear on how does SecondaryNameNode communicates with NameNode
> > (if deployed on separate machine). Does SecondaryNameNode uses direct
> > connection (over some port and protocol) or is it enough for
> > SecondaryNameNode to have access to data which NameNode writes locally
> > on disk?
> > 
> > Tomislav
> > 
> > On Wed, 2008-10-29 at 09:08 -0400, Jean-Daniel Cryans wrote:
> >> I think a lot of the confusion comes from this thread :
> >> http://www.nabble.com/NameNode-failover-procedure-td11711842.html
> >>
> >> Particularly because the wiki was updated with wrong information, not
> >> maliciously I'm sure. This information is now gone for good.
> >>
> >> Otis, your solution is pretty much like the one given by Dhruba Borthakur
> >> and augmented by Konstantin Shvachko later in the thread but I never did it
> >> myself.
> >>
> >> One thing should be clear though, the NN is and will remain a SPOF (just
> >> like HBase's Master) as long as a distributed manager service (like
> >> Zookeeper) is not plugged into Hadoop to help with failover.
> >>
> >> J-D
> >>
> >> On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 2:12 AM, Otis Gospodnetic <
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi,
> >>> So what is the "recipe" for avoiding NN SPOF using only what comes with
> >>> Hadoop?
> >>>
> >>> From what I can tell, I think one has to do the following two things:
> >>>
> >>> 1) configure primary NN to save namespace and xa logs to multiple dirs, 
> >>> one
> >>> of which is actually on a remotely mounted disk, so that the data actually
> >>> lives on a separate disk on a separate box.  This saves namespace and xa
> >>> logs on multiple boxes in case of primary NN hardware failure.
> >>>
> >>> 2) configure secondary NN to periodically merge fsimage+edits and create
> >>> the fsimage checkpoint.  This really is a second NN process running on
> >>> another box.  It sounds like this secondary NN has to somehow have access 
> >>> to
> >>> fsimage & edits files from the primary NN server.
> >>> http://hadoop.apache.org/core/docs/r0.18.1/hdfs_user_guide.html#Secondary+NameNodedoes
> >>>  not describe the best practise around that - the recommended way to
> >>> give secondary NN access to primary NN's fsimage and edits files.  Should
> >>> one mount a disk from the primary NN box to the secondary NN box to get
> >>> access to those files?  Or is there a simpler way?
> >>> In any case, this checkpoint is just a merge of fsimage+edits files and
> >>> again is there in case the box with the primary NN dies.  That's what's
> >>> described on
> >>> http://hadoop.apache.org/core/docs/r0.18.1/hdfs_user_guide.html#Secondary+NameNodemore
> >>>  or less.
> >>>
> >>> Is this sufficient, or are there other things one has to do to eliminate 
> >>> NN
> >>> SPOF?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Otis
> >>> --
> >>> Sematext -- http://sematext.com/ -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ----- Original Message ----
> >>>> From: Jean-Daniel Cryans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>> To: core-user@hadoop.apache.org
> >>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 8:14:44 PM
> >>>> Subject: Re: SecondaryNameNode on separate machine
> >>>>
> >>>> Tomislav.
> >>>>
> >>>> Contrary to popular belief the secondary namenode does not provide
> >>> failover,
> >>>> it's only used to do what is described here :
> >>>>
> >>> http://hadoop.apache.org/core/docs/r0.18.1/hdfs_user_guide.html#Secondary+NameNode
> >>>> So the term "secondary" does not mean "a second one" but is more like "a
> >>>> second part of".
> >>>>
> >>>> J-D
> >>>>
> >>>> On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 9:44 AM, Tomislav Poljak wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Hi,
> >>>>> I'm trying to implement NameNode failover (or at least NameNode local
> >>>>> data backup), but it is hard since there is no official documentation.
> >>>>> Pages on this subject are created, but still empty:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/NameNodeFailover
> >>>>> http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/SecondaryNameNode
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I have been browsing the web and hadoop mailing list to see how this
> >>>>> should be implemented, but I got even more confused. People are asking
> >>>>> do we even need SecondaryNameNode etc. (since NameNode can write local
> >>>>> data to multiple locations, so one of those locations can be a mounted
> >>>>> disk from other machine). I think I understand the motivation for
> >>>>> SecondaryNameNode (to create a snapshoot of NameNode data every n
> >>>>> seconds/hours), but setting (deploying and running) SecondaryNameNode
> >>> on
> >>>>> different machine than NameNode is not as trivial as I expected. First
> >>> I
> >>>>> found that if I need to run SecondaryNameNode on other machine than
> >>>>> NameNode I should change masters file on NameNode (change localhost to
> >>>>> SecondaryNameNode host) and set some properties in hadoop-site.xml on
> >>>>> SecondaryNameNode (fs.default.name, fs.checkpoint.dir,
> >>>>> fs.checkpoint.period etc.)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> This was enough to start SecondaryNameNode when starting NameNode with
> >>>>> bin/start-dfs.sh , but it didn't create image on SecondaryNameNode.
> >>> Then
> >>>>> I found that I need to set dfs.http.address on NameNode address (so now
> >>>>> I have NameNode address in both fs.default.name and dfs.http.address).
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Now I get following exception:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 2008-10-28 09:18:00,098 ERROR NameNode.Secondary - Exception in
> >>>>> doCheckpoint:
> >>>>> 2008-10-28 09:18:00,098 ERROR NameNode.Secondary -
> >>>>> java.net.SocketException: Unexpected end of file from server
> >>>>>
> >>>>> My questions are following:
> >>>>> How to resolve this problem (this exception)?
> >>>>> Do I need additional property in SecondaryNameNode's hadoop-site.xml or
> >>>>> NameNode's hadoop-site.xml?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> How should NameNode failover work ideally? Is it like this:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> SecondaryNameNode runs on separate machine than NameNode and stores
> >>>>> NameNode's data (fsimage and fsiedits) locally in fs.checkpoint.dir.
> >>>>> When NameNode machine crashes, we start NameNode on machine where
> >>>>> SecondaryNameNode was running and we set dfs.name.dir to
> >>>>> fs.checkpoint.dir. Also we need to change how DNS resolves NameNode
> >>>>> hostname (change from the primary to the secondary).
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Is this correct ?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Tomislav
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>
> > 
> > 

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