On Wednesday 05 November 2008 15:27:34 Karl Anderson wrote:
> I am running into a similar issue.  It seems to be affected by the
> number of simultaneous tasks.

For me, while I generally allow up to 4 mappers per node, in this particular 
instance I had only one mapper reading from a single gzipped text file.

It did work when I ran the same code on a smaller file.

> I upped the nofile limit in
> /etc/security/limits.conf to 131072 for all users on all of my EC2
> images, but it didn't help.  I'm never running more than one job at
> once.

After I upped the max number of fds to 16K, the job ran to completion.
I was monitoring the number of open files/processes every 15s (by simply 
running ps and lsof | wc -l) and saw this:
#processes   open_files
13   646
13   648
12   2535
13   4860
12   4346
12   3842
12   3324
12   2823
12   2316
12   1852
12   1387
12   936
12   643
12   643
12   643
12   643
12   643
12   643
13   642
12   642
12   4775
12   2738
12   917
12   643
12   642
12   4992
12   4453
12   3943
12   3299
12   2855
12   2437

It looks like something (garbage collection?) cleans up fds periodically; the 
max I saw was 5007 (but again, there may have been more in between the 15s 
sampling interval).

> The hadoop-ec2 tools launch clusters with one master which runs the
> namenode and jobtracker, and slaves each running a datanode and
> tasktracker.  It seems that running more than 2 mappers per node isn't
> feasable with this setup, which surprises me because the cluster setup
> suggestions I've read advise using far more.  Would changing the ratio
> of datanodes to tasktrackers have an effect?  Is this done in
> practice?
> Are you running more than 2 mappers per node?  Do you see any
> differences in the number of failed tasks when you change the number
> of tasks over the same input set?

I'm running a hand-carved cluster on a bunch of heterogeneous systems, some 
crappy some good.

I suspect your total open FDs = (#mappers) x (FDs/map)

In my case the second factor was ~5K; so if I ran 8 mappers total might have 
been as high as 40K!  This is totally insane.

Perhaps playing with GC modes might help...

> In general, I've had to do a lot of fine-tuning of my job paramaters
> to balance memory, file handles, and task timeouts.  I'm finding that
> a setup that works with one input set breaks when I try it on an input
> set which is twice the size.  My productivity is not high while I'm
> figuring this out, and I wonder why I don't hear about this more.
> Perhaps this is a streaming issue, and streaming isn't being used very
> much?

I doubt in my case this is a specific to streaming, although streaming might 
exacerbate the problem by opening pipes, etc.  In my case the vast majority 
of open files were to spills during sorting/shuffling which is not restricted 
to streaming.

This is a scalability issue and I'd really like to hear from developers.


P.S. It looks like we need to file a jira on this one...

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