Hi again

Browsing the source code (Merger.class) I see that merger actually call reporter.progress() so shouldn't this make the task be reported as still working?

David Alves

On Nov 20, 2008, at 6:29 PM, David Alves wrote:

Hi all

I have a big map task that takes a long time to complete and produces a lot of information. The merge part makes the task timeout (you can see this in the end of this email, the merge part is aborted after ten minutes, the default time). I've increased the mapred.tasks.timeout property to 30 min instead of 10, in hadoop-site.xml as follows: <property> <name>mapred.task.timeout</name> <value>1800000</value> </property>
        But stiil the task fails with:
Task attempt_200811201704_0001_m_000000_0 failed to report status for 603 seconds. Killing!

        Is there any other property I should change?.

David Alves

17:35:40,697 INFO  [MapTask] Starting flush of map output
17:35:40,697 INFO [MapTask] bufstart = 17472260; bufend = 51354916; bufvoid = 99614720 17:35:40,697 INFO [MapTask] kvstart = 39119; kvend = 39468; length = 327680
17:35:40,950 INFO  [MapTask] Index: (0, 33884416, 33884416)
17:35:40,950 INFO  [MapTask] Finished spill 152
17:35:45,333 INFO  [Merger] Merging 153 sorted segments
17:35:46,337 INFO [Merger] Merging 9 intermediate segments out of a total of 153 17:36:16,849 INFO [Merger] Merging 10 intermediate segments out of a total of 145 17:36:47,615 INFO [Merger] Merging 10 intermediate segments out of a total of 136 17:37:21,529 INFO [Merger] Merging 10 intermediate segments out of a total of 127 17:37:59,883 INFO [Merger] Merging 10 intermediate segments out of a total of 118 17:38:35,370 INFO [Merger] Merging 10 intermediate segments out of a total of 109 17:39:14,795 INFO [Merger] Merging 10 intermediate segments out of a total of 100 17:39:51,787 INFO [Merger] Merging 10 intermediate segments out of a total of 91 17:40:28,721 INFO [Merger] Merging 10 intermediate segments out of a total of 82 17:41:05,650 INFO [Merger] Merging 10 intermediate segments out of a total of 73 17:41:43,285 INFO [Merger] Merging 10 intermediate segments out of a total of 64 17:42:23,531 INFO [Merger] Merging 10 intermediate segments out of a total of 55 17:43:01,709 INFO [Merger] Merging 10 intermediate segments out of a total of 46 17:43:40,209 INFO [Merger] Merging 10 intermediate segments out of a total of 37 17:44:20,707 INFO [Merger] Merging 10 intermediate segments out of a total of 28 17:44:57,700 INFO [Merger] Merging 10 intermediate segments out of a total of 19

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