Hi Doug,

Thanks - it is not so much I want to run in a single JVM - I do want a
bunch of machines doing the work, it is just I want them all to have
this in-memory lookup index, that is configured once per job.  Is
there some hook somewhere that I can trigger a read from the
distributed cache, or is a Mapper.configure() the best place for this?
 Can it be called multiple times per Job meaning I need to keep some
static synchronised indicator flag?

Thanks again,


On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 8:41 PM, Doug Cutting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> tim robertson wrote:
>> Thanks Alex - this will allow me to share the shapefile, but I need to
>> "one time only per job per jvm" read it, parse it and store the
>> objects in the index.
>> Is the Mapper.configure() the best place to do this?  E.g. will it
>> only be called once per job?
> In 0.19, with HADOOP-249, all tasks from a job can be run in a single JVM.
>  So, yes, you could access a static cache from Mapper.configure().
> Doug

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