              Second ACM Workshop on Social Network Systems
                         March 31, EuroSys 2009
                           Nuremberg, Germany


The Second Workshop on Social Network Systems (SNS'08) will gather
researchers to discuss novel ideas about computer systems and social

Online social networks are among the most popular sites on the Web and
continue to grow rapidly. They provide mechanisms to establish identities,
share information, and create relationships. The resulting social graph
provides a basis for communicating and distributing and locating content.

Broadly, the systems issues of social networks include:

* How can systems infrastructure be improved for social networks?
Infrastructure includes database systems, operating systems, file systems,
and storage systems.

* How can the social graph be leveraged in computer system design? The
social graph encodes trust and common interests. How and to what extent can
this encoding be used to improve computer systems?

* How can social networks be modeled and characterized? What has been
learned from the operation of existing systems?

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Security and privacy.
* Leveraging the social graph in systems design.
* Real-time monitoring and query processing.
* Database issues for offline analysis.
* Experiences with deployed systems.
* Crawlers and other mechanisms for observing social network structure.
* Measurement and analysis, including comparative analysis.
* Tools for designing and deploying social networks.
* Network dynamics, relationships between network links and user behavior.
* Benchmarks, modeling, and characterization.
* Decentralization: methods for integrating multiple networks.
* Application programming interfaces (APIs) for social networks.

The papers presented, as well as a summary of the discussion, will be
archived electronically. Accepted papers may be subsequently revised,
expanded, and submitted to full conferences and journals.


Lex Stein, Facebook

Program Committee:

Samuel Bernard, LIP6
Meeyoung Cha, MPI-SWS
Wei Chen, Microsoft Research Asia
Yafei Dai, Peking University
Adrienne Felt, UC Berkeley
Eran Gabber, Google
Bingsheng He, Microsoft Research Asia
Anne-Marie Kermarrec, INRIA
Peter Key, Microsoft Research Cambridge
Chris Lesniewski-Laas, MIT
Shiding Lin, Baidu
Alan Mislove, MPI-SWS and Rice University
Yoann Padioleau, UIUC
Peter Pietzuch, Imperial College London
Stefan Saroiu, Microsoft Research Redmond
Rodrigo Schmidt, Facebook
Jacky Shen, Microsoft Research Asia
Steven Smaldone, Rutgers
Lex Stein, Facebook
Jacob Strauss, MIT
Nguyen Tran, NYU
Edward Wang, Google
David Wei, Facebook
Geoffrey Werner-Allen, Harvard
Eiko Yoneki, University of Cambridge


Paper submissions due:    February 2, 2009
Notification to authors:  February 16, 2009
Workshop:                 March 31, 2009


Papers must be received by 23:59 GMT, on January 26, 2009. This is a hard
deadline. Submissions should contain six or fewer two-column pages,
including all figures and references, using 10-point fonts, standard
spacing, and 1-inch margins (we recommend the ACM sig-alternate template,
LaTeX template available
at Please number
pages. All submissions will be electronic, and must be in either PDF format
(preferred) or PostScript. Author names and affiliations should appear on
the title page. Reviewing will be single-blind.

This workshop is sponsored by ACM, ACM SigOps, and EuroSys.

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