Hm, very interesting. Didn't know about that. What's the purpose of the reservation? Just to give root preference or leave wiggle room? If it's not strictly necessary it seems like it would make sense to reduce it to essentially 0%.


On Jan 29, 2009, at 6:18 PM, Doug Cutting wrote:

Ext2 by default reserves 5% of the drive for use by root only. That'd be 45MB of your 907GB capacity which would account for most of the discrepancy. You can adjust this with tune2fs.


Bryan Duxbury wrote:
There are no non-dfs files on the partitions in question.
df -h indicates that there is 907GB capacity, but only 853GB remaining, with 200M used. The only thing I can think of is the filesystem overhead.
On Jan 29, 2009, at 4:06 PM, Hairong Kuang wrote:
It's taken by non-dfs files.


On 1/29/09 3:23 PM, "Bryan Duxbury" <> wrote:

Hey all,

I'm currently installing a new cluster, and noticed something a
little confusing. My DFS is *completely* empty - 0 files in DFS.
However, in the namenode web interface, the reported "capacity" is
3.49 TB, but the "remaining" is 3.25TB. Where'd that .24TB go? There are literally zero other files on the partitions hosting the DFS data
directories. Where am I losing 240GB?


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