Are running Eclipse on Windows?  If so, be aware that you need to spawn
Eclipse from within Cygwin in order to access HDFS.  It seems that the
plugin uses "whoami" to get info about the active user.  This thread has
some more info:


On 2/12/09, Iman <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using VM image hadoop-appliance-0.18.0.vmx and an eclipse plug-in of
> hadoop. I have followed all the steps in this tutorial:
> My
> problem is that I am not able to browse the HDFS. It only shows an entry
> "Error:null". Upload files to DFS, and Create new directory fail. Any
> suggestions? I have tried to chang all the directories in the hadoop
> location advanced parameters to "/tmp/hadoop-user", but it did not work.
> Also, the tutorials mentioned a parameter "hadoop.job.ugi" that needs to be
> changed, but I could not find it in the list of parameters.
> Thanks
> Iman

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