That's awkward , the site went down!

and ok, I note these points ,for future.


On 2/16/09, Steve Loughran <> wrote:
> Anum Ali wrote:
>> The parser problem is related to jar files , can be resolved not a bug.
>> Forwarding link for its solution
> this site is  down; cant see it
> It is a bug, because I view all operations problems as defects to be
> opened in the bug tracker, stack traces stuck in, the problem resolved.
> That's software or hardware -because that issue DB is your searchable
> history of what went wrong. Given on my system I was seeing a
> ClassNotFoundException for loading FSConstants, there was no easy way to
> work out what went wrong, and its cost me a couple of days work.
> furthermore, in the OSS world, every person who can't get your app to
> work is either going to walk away unhappy (=lost customer, lost
> developer and risk they compete with you), or they are going to get on
> the email list and ask questions, questions which may get answered, but
> it will cost them time.
> Hence
> * happyaxis.jsp: axis' diagnostics page, prints out useful stuff and
> warns if it knows it is unwell (and returns 500 error code so your
> monitoring tools can recognise this)
> * ant -diagnostics: detailed look at your ant system including xml
> parser experiments.
> Good open source tools have to be easy for people to get started with,
> and that means helpful error messages. If we left the code alone,
> knowing that the cause of a ClassNotFoundException was the fault of the
> user sticking the wrong XML parser on the classpath -and yet refusing to
> add the four lines of code needed to handle this- then we are letting
> down the users
>> On 2/13/09, Steve Loughran <> wrote:
>>> Anum Ali wrote:
>>>>  This only occurs in linux , in windows its  fine.
>>> do a java -version for me, and an ant -diagnostics, stick both on the
>>> bugrep
>>> It may be that XInclude only went live in java1.6u5; I'm running a
>>> JRockit JVM which predates that and I'm seeing it (linux again);
>>> I will also try sticking xerces on the classpath to see what happens next

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