Just to clarify -- setting test.build.data on the command line to point to
some arbitrary directory in /tmp should work

ant -Dtestcase=TestMapReduceLocal -Dtest.output=yes
-Dtest.build.data=/tmp/foo test-core


On 2/25/09 10:53 AM, "Jothi Padmanabhan" <joth...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:

> If you had set the number of reduce tasks to 0, you should not see the
> reduce>sort. How did you set the number of reducers?
> You could do that by doing
> job.setNumReduceTasks(0);
> Jothi
> On 2/25/09 10:34 AM, "Vadim Zaliva" <kroko...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2008 at 10:07, Owen O'Malley <o...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
>>> Setting it to 0 skips all of the buffering, sorting, merging, and shuffling.
>>> It passes the objects straight from the mapper to the output format, which
>>> writes it straight to hdfs.
>> I just tried to set number or Reduce tasks to 0, but Job Tracker shows
>> Reduce task working, doing "reduce > sort". I have a big data set and
>> it takes a while. It would be a good to find a way to skip it.
>> Vadim

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