This is on Hadoop 0.19.1. The first time I saw it happen, the job was hung. That is, 5 map tasks were "running", but looking at each task there was the FAILED_UNCLEAN task attempt and no other task attempts. I reran it again, the job failed immediately, and some of the tasks had FAILED_UNCLEAN.

There is one job that runs in parallel with this job, but it's of the same priority. The other job had failed when the job I'm describing got hung.

On Feb 24, 2009, at 10:46 PM, Amareshwari Sriramadasu wrote:

Nathan Marz wrote:
I have a large job operating on over 2 TB of data, with about 50000 input splits. For some reason (as yet unknown), tasks started failing on two of the machines (which got blacklisted). 13 mappers failed in total. Of those 13, 8 of the tasks were able to execute on another machine without any issues. 5 of the tasks *did not* get re-executed on another machine, and their status is marked as "FAILED_UNCLEAN". Anyone have any idea what's going on? Why isn't Hadoop running these tasks on other machines?

Has the job failed/killed or Succeded when you see this situation ? Once the job completes, the unclean attempts will not get scheduled. If not, are there other jobs of higher priority running at the same time preventing the cleanups to be launched?
What version of Hadoop are you using? latest trunk?

Nathan Marz

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