
I'm having trouble decommissioning nodes in Hadoop. This worked previously
for me in this version of hadoop (0.18.2) and I cannot pinpoint what is
wrong.  I am adding the host I wish to decommission to the exclude file
specified in site.xml.  I then run refreshNodes on the master.  Rather than
the "Decommission in progress" that I'm used to seeing, it instead lists the
node both in Live datanodes and Dead Datanodes.

When I go to the DFS health webpage, the only difference I see is when I
mouseover the node in Live nodes, it appears as IP:PORT in the tooltip
popup.  When I mouseover the version of it that appears as dead, it lists as
HOSTNAME:PORT.  These are both the same node, just listed twice.  The port
is the same between both mouseovers.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?  I checked slaves, and that node is
only listed once.  It's also listed in exclude only once.  At no point do I
have IP addresses listed.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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