
We have released 1.2 version of CloudBase on sourceforge-

[ CloudBase is a data warehouse system built on top of Hadoop's Map-Reduce
architecture. It uses ANSI SQL as its query language and comes with a JDBC
driver. It is developed by Business.com and is released to open source
community under GNU GPL license]

Please give it a try and send us your feedback on CloudBase users group-


Release notes-
New Features:
* User Defined Functions (UDFs)- User can create functions in Java
programming language and call them from SQL
* Table indexing- One can create index on columns of a table to reduce query
execution time
* ORDER BY improvements- Use all machines in the cluster to perform sorting.
This is done via Sampling data and sending keys to correct partitioners.
* TRUNCATE statement- truncate statement to delete all data of a table.

Bug fixes:
* CloudBase was not working with Hadoop-0.19 or later version
* Full outer join was not working
* New jars copied into $CLOUDBASE_HOME/lib directory are not picked for next
query execution

Online documentation has been updated with new features-

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