There are a few things that caused this to happen to me earlier on.

Make sure to check that it actually makes progress. Sometimes, slowness is
result of negative progress: it gets to say 10% complete on reduce, and then
drop back down to 5%...In that case the output can output that line with the
slow throughput rate.

changing a few of the settings below did improve on things, but ultimately,
what fixed it for us was buying more hardware.


On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 10:21 PM, Jothi Padmanabhan <>wrote:

> There are a lot of factors that affect shuffle speed.
> Some of them are:
> 1. The Number of reducers concurrently running in a node
> 2. The number of parallel copier threads that are pulling in map data (
> mapred.reduce.parallel.copies)
> 3. Size of the individual map outputs. If Map outputs are huge, they are
> shuffled to disk and there might be some contention if several files are
> written to disk at the same time
> 4. Size of the buffer reserved to accommodate map outputs on the reducer
> side ( mapred.job.shuffle.input.buffer.percent).
> Jothi
> On 2/28/09 6:55 AM, "Nathan Marz" <> wrote:
> > The Hadoop shuffle phase seems painstakingly slow. For example, I am
> > running a very large job, and all the reducers report a status such as:
> >
> > "reduce > copy (14266 of 28243 at 1.30 MB/s)"
> >
> > This is after all the mappers are finished. Is it supposed to be so
> > slow?
> >

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