Nope... and there were no failed tasks.

On Mar 3, 2009, at 5:16 PM, Runping Qi wrote:

Were task Trackers black-listed?

On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Nathan Marz <> wrote:

I'm seeing some really bizarre behavior from Hadoop 0.19.1. I have a fairly large job with about 29000 map tasks and 72 reducers. there are 304 map task slots in the cluster. When the job starts, it runs 304 map tasks at a time. As time goes on the number of map tasks run concurrently drops. For at least half of the execution exactly 152 mappers were run at a time. Towards, the
end , when there were only 100 or so tasks remaining, the number of
concurrent mappers quickly fell to 2 at a time, bringing the end of the map phase to a crawl. This was the only job running on the cluster. Has anyone
else seen behavior like this?

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