Caught this issue again on one of the clusters. DF and DU sizes match
very closely with information reported by dfsadmin command. 
Lsof reports some 1000 open files in DFS data directories on the
problematic datanode, but total size for open files is only about 10GB.
I can't really track the space usage to individual files - there are way
too many files/blocks for detailed analysis.

Here is something interesting - fsck before datanode restart reports
very significant number of over-replicated blocks (~10% of blocks are

 Total size:    1472758591906 B (Total open files size: 29050588133 B)

 Total dirs:    58431

 Total files:   375703 (Files currently being written: 418)

 Total blocks (validated):      387205 (avg. block size 3803562 B)
(Total open file blocks (not validated): 595)            
 Minimally replicated blocks:   387205 (100.0 %)

 Over-replicated blocks:        38782 (10.015883 %)

 Under-replicated blocks:       0 (0.0 %)

 Mis-replicated blocks:         0 (0.0 %)

 Default replication factor:    3

 Average block replication:     3.1003888

 Corrupt blocks:                0

 Missing replicas:              0 (0.0 %)

 Number of data-nodes:          7

 Number of racks:               1

After datanode restart - over-replicated nodes are practically gone:

 Total size:    1310669475298 B (Total open files size: 29535016933 B)
 Total dirs:    59431
 Total files:   377177 (Files currently being written: 387)
 Total blocks (validated):      386661 (avg. block size 3389712 B)
(Total open file blocks (not validated): 607)
 Minimally replicated blocks:   386661 (100.0 %)
 Over-replicated blocks:        272 (0.070345856 %)
 Under-replicated blocks:       0 (0.0 %)
 Mis-replicated blocks:         0 (0.0 %)
 Default replication factor:    3
 Average block replication:     3.0007036
 Corrupt blocks:                0
 Missing replicas:              0 (0.0 %)
 Number of data-nodes:          7
 Number of racks:               1

What might be the cause for over-replication?

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Igor Bolotin 
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 2:50 PM
Subject: RE: DataNode stops cleaning disk?

My mistake about 'current' directory - that's the one that consumes all
the disk space and 'du' on that directory matches exactly with namenode
web ui reported size.
I'm waiting for the next time this happens to collect more details, but
ever since I wrote the first email - everything works perfectly well
(another application of Murphy law). 


-----Original Message-----
From: Raghu Angadi [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: DataNode stops cleaning disk?

Igor Bolotin wrote:
> That's what I saw just yesterday on one of the data nodes with this
> situation (will confirm also next time it happens):
> - Tmp and current were either empty or almost empty last time I
> - du on the entire data directory matched exactly with reported used
> space in NameNode web UI and it did report that it uses some most of
> available disk space. 
> - nothing else was using disk space (actually - it's dedicated DFS
> cluster).

If 'du' command (you can run in the shell) counts properly then you 
should be able to see which files are taking space.

If 'du' can't but 'df' reports very less space available, then it is 
possible (though never seen) that datanode is keeping a a lot these 
files open.. 'ls -l /proc/datanodepid/fd' lists these files. If it is 
not datanode, then check lsof to find who is holding these files.

hope this helps.

> Thank you for help!
> Igor
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raghu Angadi [] 
> Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 11:05 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: DataNode stops cleaning disk?
> This is unexpected unless some other process is eating up space.
> Couple of things to collect next time (along with log):
>   - All the contents under datanode-directory/ (especially including 
> 'tmp' and 'current')
>   - Does 'du' of this directory match with what is reported to
> (shown on webui) by this DataNode.
>   - Is there anything else taking disk space on the machine?
> Raghu.
> Igor Bolotin wrote:
>> Normally I dislike writing about problems without being able to
> provide
>> some more information, but unfortunately in this case I just can't
> find
>> anything.
>> Here is the situation - DFS cluster running Hadoop version 0.19.0.
>> cluster is running on multiple servers with practically identical
>> hardware. Everything works perfectly well, except for one thing -
>> time to time one of the data nodes (every time it's a different node)
>> starts to consume more and more disk space. The node keeps going and
> if
>> we don't do anything - it runs out of space completely (ignoring 20GB
>> reserved space settings). Once restarted - it cleans disk rapidly and
>> goes back to approximately the same utilization as the rest of data
>> nodes in the cluster.
>> Scanning datanodes and namenode logs and comparing thread dumps
> (stacks)
>> from nodes experiencing problem and those that run normally didn't
>> produce any clues. Running balancer tool didn't help at all. FSCK
> shows
>> that everything is healthy and number of over-replicated blocks is
>> significant.
>> To me - it just looks like at some point the data node stops cleaning
>> invalidated/deleted blocks, but keeps reporting space consumed by
> these
>> blocks as "not used", but I'm not familiar enough with the internals
> and
>> just plain don't have enough free time to start digging deeper.
>> Anyone has an idea what is wrong or what else we can do to find out
>> what's wrong or maybe where to start looking in the code?
>> Thanks,
>> Igor

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