jason hadoop wrote:
The exception reference to *org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem*,
implies strongly that a hadoop-default.xml file, or at least a  job.xml file
is present.
Since hadoop-default.xml is bundled into the hadoop-0.X.Y-core.jar, the
assumption is that the core jar is available.
The class not found exception, the implication is that the
hadoop-0.X.Y-core.jar is not available to jni.

Given the above constraints, the two likely possibilities are that the -core
jar is unavailable or damaged, or that somehow the classloader being used
does not have access to the -core  jar.

A possible reason for the jar not being available is that the application is
running on a different machine, or as a different user and the jar is not
actually present or perhaps readable in the expected location.

Which way is your JNI, java application calling into a native shared
library, or a native application calling into a jvm that it instantiates via
libjvm calls?

Could you dump the classpath that is in effect before your failing jni call?
System.getProperty( "java.class.path"), and for that matter,
"java.library.path", or getenv("CLASSPATH)
and provide an ls -l of the core.jar from the class path, run as the user
that owns the process, on the machine that the process is running on.

Or something bad is happening with a dependent library of the filesystem that is causing the reflection-based load to fail and die with the root cause being lost in the process. Sometimes putting an explicit reference to the class you are trying to load is a good way to force the problem to surface earlier, and fail with better error messages.

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