Hi, Sim,

I've two suggessions, if you haven't done yet:

1. Check if your other hosts can ssh to master.
2. Take a look at logs of other hosts.

2009/4/2 Puri, Aseem <aseem.p...@honeywell.com>

> Hi
>            I have a small Hadoop cluster with 3 machines. One is my
> NameNode/JobTracker + DataNode/TaskTracker and other 2 are
> DataNode/TaskTracker. So I have made all 3 as slave.
> In slave file I have put names of all there machines as:
> master
> slave
> slave1
> When I start Hadoop cluster it always start DataNode/TaskTracker on last
> slave in the list and do not start DataNode/TaskTracker on other two
> machines. Also I got the message as:
> slave1:
> : no address associated with name
> : no address associated with name
> slave1: starting datanode, logging to
> /home/HadoopAdmin/hadoop/bin/../logs/hadoo
> p-HadoopAdmin-datanode-ie11dtxpficbfise.out
> If I change the order in slave file like this:
> slave
> slave1
> master
> then DataNode/TaskTracker on master m/c starts and not on other two.
> Please tell how I should solve this problem.
> Sim

M. Raşit ÖZDAŞ

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