Oh, I forgot to tell that you should change your partitioner to send all the
keys in the form of cat,* to the same reducer but it seems like Jeremy has
been much faster than me :)


On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 5:24 PM, Jim Twensky <jim.twen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm not sure if this is exactly what you want but, can you emit map records
> as:
> cat, doc5 -> 3
> cat, doc1 -> 1
> cat, doc5 -> 1
>     and so on..
> This way, your reducers will get the intermediate key,value pairs as
> cat, doc5 -> 3
> cat, doc5 -> 1
> cat, doc1 -> 1
> then you can split the keys (cat, doc*) inside the reducer and perform your
> additions.
> -Jim
> On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Streckfus, William [USA] <
> streckfus_will...@bah.com> wrote:
>>  Hi Everyone,
>> I'm working on a relatively simple MapReduce job with a slight
>> complication with regards to the ordering of my key/values heading into the
>> reducer. The output from the mapper might be something like
>> cat -> doc5, 1
>> cat -> doc1, 1
>> cat -> doc5, 3
>> ...
>> Here, 'cat' is my key and the value is the document ID and the count (my
>> own WritableComparable.) Originally I was going to create a HashMap in the
>> reduce method and add an entry for each document ID and sum the counts for
>> each. I realized the method would be better if the values were in order like
>> so:
>>  cat -> doc1, 1
>> cat -> doc5, 1
>> cat -> doc5, 3
>> ...
>> Using this style I can continue summing until I reach a new document ID
>> and just collect the output at this point thus avoiding data structures and
>> object creation costs. I tried setting
>> JobConf.setOutputValueGroupingComparator() but this didn't seem to do
>> anything. In fact, I threw an exception from the Comparator I supplied but
>> this never showed up when running the job. My map output value consists of a
>> UTF and a Long so perhaps the Comparator I'm using (identical to
>> Text.Comparator) is incorrect:
>> *public* *int* compare(*byte*[] b1, *int* s1, *int* l1, *byte*[] b2, *int
>> * s2, *int* l2) {
>>     *int* n1 = WritableUtils.*decodeVIntSize*(b1[s1]);
>>     *int* n2 = WritableUtils.*decodeVIntSize*(b2[s2]);
>>     *return* *compareBytes*(b1, s1 + n1, l1 - n1, b2, s2 + n2, l2 - n2);
>> }
>> In my final output I'm basically running into the same word -> documentID
>> being output multiple times. So for the above example I have multiple lines
>> with cat -> doc5, X.
>> Reducer method just in case:
>> *public* *void* reduce(Text key, Iterator<TermFrequencyWritable> values,
>> OutputCollector<Text, TermFrequencyWritable> output, Reporter reporter) *
>> throws* IOException {
>>     *long* sum = 0;
>>     String lastDocID = *null*;
>>     // Iterate through all values
>>     *while*(values.hasNext()) {
>>         TermFrequencyWritable value = values.next();
>>         // Encountered new document ID = record and reset
>>         *if*(!value.getDocumentID().equals(lastDocID)) {
>>             // Ignore first go through
>>             *if*(sum != 0) {
>>                 termFrequency.setDocumentID(lastDocID);
>>                 termFrequency.setFrequency(sum);
>>                 output.collect(key, termFrequency);
>>             }
>>             sum = 0;
>>             lastDocID = value.getDocumentID();
>>         }
>>         sum += value.getFrequency();
>>     }
>>     // Record last one
>>     termFrequency.setDocumentID(lastDocID);
>>     termFrequency.setFrequency(sum);
>>     output.collect(key, termFrequency);
>> }
>> Any ideas (Using Hadoop .19.1)?
>> Thanks,
>> - Bill

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