        Its been several days since we have been trying to stabilize
hadoop/hbase on ec2 cluster. but failed to do so.
We still come across frequent region server fails, scanner timeout
exceptions and OS level deadlocks etc...

and 2day while doing a list of tables on hbase i get the following

hbase(main):001:0> list
09/04/17 13:57:18 INFO ipc.HBaseClass: Retrying connect to server: / Already tried 0 time(s).
09/04/17 13:57:19 INFO ipc.HBaseClass: Retrying connect to server: / Already tried 1 time(s).
09/04/17 13:57:20 INFO ipc.HBaseClass: Retrying connect to server: / Already tried 2 time(s).
09/04/17 13:57:20 INFO ipc.HbaseRPC: Server at / not
available yet, Zzzzz...
09/04/17 13:57:20 INFO ipc.HbaseRPC: Server at / could
not be reached after 1 tries, giving up.
09/04/17 13:57:21 INFO ipc.HBaseClass: Retrying connect to server: / Already tried 0 time(s).
09/04/17 13:57:22 INFO ipc.HBaseClass: Retrying connect to server: / Already tried 1 time(s).
09/04/17 13:57:23 INFO ipc.HBaseClass: Retrying connect to server: / Already tried 2 time(s).
09/04/17 13:57:23 INFO ipc.HbaseRPC: Server at / not
available yet, Zzzzz...
09/04/17 13:57:23 INFO ipc.HbaseRPC: Server at / could
not be reached after 1 tries, giving up.
09/04/17 13:57:26 INFO ipc.HBaseClass: Retrying connect to server: / Already tried 0 time(s).
09/04/17 13:57:27 INFO ipc.HBaseClass: Retrying connect to server: / Already tried 1 time(s).
09/04/17 13:57:28 INFO ipc.HBaseClass: Retrying connect to server: / Already tried 2 time(s).
09/04/17 13:57:28 INFO ipc.HbaseRPC: Server at / not
available yet, Zzzzz...
09/04/17 13:57:28 INFO ipc.HbaseRPC: Server at / could
not be reached after 1 tries, giving up.
09/04/17 13:57:29 INFO ipc.HBaseClass: Retrying connect to server: / Already tried 0 time(s).
09/04/17 13:57:30 INFO ipc.HBaseClass: Retrying connect to server: / Already tried 1 time(s).
09/04/17 13:57:31 INFO ipc.HBaseClass: Retrying connect to server: / Already tried 2 time(s).
09/04/17 13:57:31 INFO ipc.HbaseRPC: Server at / not
available yet, Zzzzz...
09/04/17 13:57:31 INFO ipc.HbaseRPC: Server at / could
not be reached after 1 tries, giving up.
09/04/17 13:57:34 INFO ipc.HBaseClass: Retrying connect to server: / Already tried 0 time(s).
09/04/17 13:57:35 INFO ipc.HBaseClass: Retrying connect to server: / Already tried 1 time(s).
09/04/17 13:57:36 INFO ipc.HBaseClass: Retrying connect to server: / Already tried 2 time(s).
09/04/17 13:57:36 INFO ipc.HbaseRPC: Server at / not
available yet, Zzzzz...

but if i check on the UI, hbase master is still on, (tried refreshing it
several times).

and i have been getting a lot of exceptions from time to time including
region servers going down (which happens very frequently due to which there
is heavy data loss... that too on production data), scanner timeout
exceptions, cannot allocate memory exceptions etc.

I am working on amazon ec2 Large cluster with 6 nodes...
with each node having the hardware configuration as follows:

   - Large Instance 7.5 GB of memory, 4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual cores
   with 2 EC2 Compute Units each), 850 GB of instance storage, 64-bit

I am using hadoop-0.19.0 and hbase 0.19.0 (resynced to all the nodes and
made sure that there is a symbolic link to hadoop-site from hbase/conf)

Following is my configuration on hadoop-site.xml











Given it a high value since the RAM on each node is 7GB... not sure of this
setting though
**i got Cannot Allocate Memory Exception after making this setting. (got it
for the first time)
after going through the archives, someone suggested enabling the overcommit
memory....not sure of it though **


As suggested by some of you... i guess it solved the data xceivers exception
on hadoop


 <description>The number of milliseconds before a task will be
 terminated if it neither reads an input, writes an output, nor
 updates its status string.

This property has been set coz i have been getting a lot of exceptions
"Cannot report in 602 seconds....killing"

 <description>Expert: The time-interval, in miliseconds, after which
 a tasktracker is declared 'lost' if it doesn't send heartbeats.


To avoid socket timeout exceptions

  <description>Default block replication.
  The actual number of replications can be specified when the file is
  The default is used if replication is not specified in create time.

 <description>How many tasks to run per jvm. If set to -1, there is
 no limit.


and following is the configuration on hbase-site.xml




   <description>HRegion server lease period in milliseconds. Default is
   60 seconds. Clients must report in within this period else they are
   considered dead.</description>

I have set this coz there is a map reduce program which takes almost 3-4
minutes to process a row. worst case is 7 mins
so this has been calculated as (7*60*1000) * (30) = 12600000
where (7*60*1000) = time to proccess a row in ms.
and 30  = thedefault hbase scanner caching.
so i shoudnt be getting scanner timeout exception

** made this change today..... i haven't come across scanner timeout
exception today **

   <description>HMaster server lease period in milliseconds. Default is
   120 seconds.  Region servers must report in within this period else
   they are considered dead.  On loaded cluster, may need to up this


Any suggesstions on changes in the configurations??

My main concern is the region servers goin down from time to time which
happens very frequently. due to which my map-reduce tasks hangs and the
entire application fails :(

I have tried almost all the suggestions mentioned by you except separating
the datanodes from computational nodes which i plan to do 2morrow.
has it been tried before??
and what would be your recommendation?? how many nodes should i consider as
datanodes and computational nodes?

i am hoping that the cluster would be stable by 2morrow :)

Thanks a ton,

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