On May 4, 2009, at 6:07 PM, Todd Lipcon wrote:

Since you have a simple String here, this should be pretty simple. Something

conf.set("com.example.tool.pattern", otherArgs[2]);

then in the configure() function of your Mapper/Reducer, simply retrieve it
using conf.get("com.example.tool.pattern");

Trial and error solved the problem. It turns out I need to set the value in the Configuration object before I create the Job object. Thus, the following works and makes the value of net.rguha.dc.data.pattern available to the mappers.

Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.set("net.rguha.dc.data.pattern", otherArgs[2]);
Job job = new Job(conf, "id 1");

But if conf.set(...) is called after instantiating job, it doesn't.

Is this intended?

Rajarshi Guha  <rg...@indiana.edu>
GPG Fingerprint: D070 5427 CC5B 7938 929C  DD13 66A1 922C 51E7 9E84
Q:  What's polite and works for the phone company?
A:  A deferential operator.

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