I read through the deck and sent it around the company. Good stuff!
It's going to be a big help for trying to get the .NET Enterprise
people wrapping their heads around web-scale data.

I must admit "Apache Cloud Computing Edition" is sort of unwieldy to
say verbally, and frankly "Java Enterprise Edition" is a taboo phrase
at a lot of projects I've had. Guilt by association. I think I'll call
it "Apache Cloud Stack", and reference "Apache Cloud Computing
Edition" in my deck. When I think "Stack", I think of a suite of
software that provides all the pieces I need to solve my problem :)

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 7:00 AM, Steve Loughran <ste...@apache.org> wrote:
> Bradford Stephens wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I'm going to be speaking at OSCON about my company's experiences with
>> Hadoop and Friends, but I'm having a hard time coming up with a name
>> for the entire software ecosystem. I'm thinking of calling it the
>> "Apache CloudStack". Does this sound legit to you all? :) Is there
>> something more 'official'?
> We've been using "Apache Cloud Computing Edition" for this, to emphasise
> this is the successor to Java Enterprise Edition, and that it is cross
> language and being built at apache. If you use the same term, even if you
> put a different stack outline than us, it gives the idea more legitimacy.
> The slides that Andrew linked to are all in SVN under
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/labs/clouds/
> we have a space in the apache labs for "apache clouds", where we want to do
> more work integrating things, and bringing the idea of deploy and test on
> someone else's infrastructure mainstream across all the apache products. We
> would welcome your involvement -and if you send a draft of your slides out,
> will happily review them
> -steve

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