thanks all for your replies. I am checking Katta...


On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 8:05 AM, Stefan Groschupf <> wrote:

> Hi,
> you might want to checkout:
> Stefan
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Hadoop training and consulting
> On Jun 1, 2009, at 9:54 AM, Tarandeep Singh wrote:
>  Hi All,
>> I am trying to build a distributed system to build and serve lucene
>> indexes.
>> I came across the Distributed Lucene project-
>> and have a couple of questions. It will be really helpful if someone can
>> provide some insights.
>> 1) Is this code production ready?
>> 2) Does someone has performance data for this project?
>> 3) It allows searches and updates/deletes to be performed at the same
>> time.
>> How well the system will perform if there are frequent updates to the
>> system. Will it handle the search and update load easily or will it be
>> better to rebuild or update the indexes on different machines and then
>> deploy the indexes back to the machines that are serving the indexes?
>> Basically I am trying to choose between the 2 approaches-
>> 1) Use Hadoop to build and/or update Lucene indexes and then deploy them
>> on
>> separate cluster that will take care or load balancing, fault tolerance
>> etc.
>> There is a package in Hadoop contrib that does this, so I can use that
>> code.
>> 2) Use and/or modify the Distributed Lucene code.
>> I am expecting daily updates to our index so I am not sure if Distribtued
>> Lucene code (which allows searches and updates on the same indexes) will
>> be
>> able to handle search and update load efficiently.
>> Any suggestions ?
>> Thanks,
>> Tarandeep

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