If you are going to be using this 8th machine as a client only then ensure that it is running the same version of hadoop as your cluster.
In the config file hadoop-site.xml point fs.default.name to the namenode.


I have a 7 node cluster. But there is one remote node(8th machine) within
the same LAN which holds some kind of data. Now, I need to place this data
into HDFS. This 8th machine is not a part of the hadoop
cluster(master/slave) config file.

So, what I have thought is::
-> Will get the Filesystem instance by using FileSystem api
-> Will get the local file's(remote machine's) instance by using the same
api by passing a different config file which simply states a tag of fs,

-> And then will simply use all the methods to copy and get the data back
from HDFS...
-> During the complete episode, I will have to take care of the proxy issues
for remote node to get connceted to Namenode.

Is this procedure correct?

Thanking You,

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