I am wondering how Google implemented the driving directions function in the
Maps. More specifically how did they do it that it is so fast. I asked on
Google engineer about this and all he told me is just that there are bunch
of MapReduce cycles involved in this process but I don't think it is really
close to the truth. How it is possible to implement such real-time function
in plain MapReduce fashion (from the Hadoop point of view)? The only
possibility I can think of right now it that they either execute the
MapReduce computation only in the memory (intermediate results as well as
Reduce to next Map results are kept only in some-kind of distributed memory)
or they use other architecture for this.

In simple words I know there are some tutorials about how to nail down SSSP
problem with MapReduce but I can not believe it can produce results in such
a quick response I can experience with Google Maps.

Any comments, ideas?


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