On Wed, 2009-06-10 at 13:56 +0100, stephen mulcahy wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been running some tests with hadoop in pseudo-distributed mode. My 
> config includes the following in conf/hdfs-site.xml
>     <property>
>       <name>dfs.data.dir</name>
>       <value>/hdfs/disk1, /hdfs/disk2, /hdfs/disk3, /hdfs/disk4</value>
>     </property>
> When I started running hadoop I was disappointed to see that only 
> /hdfs/disk1 was created. It was only later I noticed that HADOOP_HOME 
> now contained the following new directories
> HADOOP_HOME/ /hdfs/disk2
> HADOOP_HOME/ /hdfs/disk3
> HADOOP_HOME/ /hdfs/disk4
> I guess any leading spaces should be stripped out of the data dir names? 
> Or maybe there is a reason for this behaviour. I thought I should 
> mention it just in case.

I thought I'd double check...

$touch \ file\ with\ leading\ space
$touch file\ without\ leading\ space
$ ls
 file with leading space
file without leading space

... so stripping it out could mean you couldn't enter some valid
directory names (but who has folders starting with a space?)

I'm sure my input wasn't very useful, but just a comment.

Tim Wintle

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