
I'm currently doing some testing of different configurations using the Hadoop Sort as follows,

bin/hadoop jar hadoop-*-examples.jar randomwriter -Dtest.randomwrite.total_bytes=107374182400 /benchmark100

bin/hadoop jar hadoop-*-examples.jar sort /benchmark100 rand-sort

The only changes I've made from the standard config are the following in conf/mapred-site.xml




I'm running this on 4 systems, each with 8 processor cores and 4 separate disks.

Is there anything else I should change to stress memory more? The systems in questions have 16GB of memory but the most thats getting used during a run of this benchmark is about 2GB (and most of that seems to be os caching).



Stephen Mulcahy, DI2, Digital Enterprise Research Institute,
NUI Galway, IDA Business Park, Lower Dangan, Galway, Ireland
http://di2.deri.ie    http://webstar.deri.ie    http://sindice.com

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