Mapper2 doesn't wait for Mapper1. They starts at the same time. It knows the 
"real" record by looking at the characters he reads. If he sees a newline, then 
that is the start of a "real" record. It discards all the stuff before that 
newline. Check the source code of LineRecordReader. You will get more detailed 
information for that.

From: Zhong Wang <>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 10:47:48 AM
Subject: Re: Large size Text file split

> Mapper 2 starts reading at byte 10000. It finds the first newline at byte
> 10020, so the first "real" record it processes starts at byte 10021.

There's one problem: how does Mapper2 know the "real" record start at
10021 before Mapper1 reach the end of Split1 (9999)? Mappers starts at
the same time.

Zhong Wang


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