
The intermediate key generated by my Mappers is IntWritable. I tested with 
different number of Reducers. When the number of Reducers is the same as the 
number of different keys of intermediate output. It partitions perfectly. Each 
Reducer receives one input group. When these two numbers are different, the 
partitioning function becomes difficult to understand. For example, when the 
number of keys is less than the number of Reducers, I am expecting that each 
Reducer at most receive one input group. But it turns out that many Reducers 
receive more than one input group. On the other hand, when the number of keys 
is larger than the number of Reducers, I am expecting that each Reducer at 
least receive one input group. But it turns out that some Reducers receive 
nothing to process. The expectation I had is from the implementation of 
HashPartitioner class, which just uses modulo operator with the number of 
Reducers to generate partitions.

Anyone has any insights into this?


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